I have many clients who are being re-traumatized by the situation right now. Unfortunately, some of them are Trump supporters and do not recognize the feelings that they are having are connected to current actions. They respond with increased irrational anger in order to feel as if they are not a victim. It’s heartbreaking to hear.

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Absolutely on target. As to prayer ... Washington National Cathedral posts a 10-minute interfaith service daily at 5 ET specifically regarding the inauguration.

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I agree that we are in a time in our nation where action must be taken immediately to stop this president and his enablers. My question is how can I, as a constituent of one of the 121 Republican House members that still rejected the Electoral College results fight back? Phone calls and letters have been sent. Trying to decide if a protest at his office after the inauguration is the best move. Obviously, the safety of participants is priority. Thank you.

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Completely agree. This is the moment. The moment for clarity and courage to do the right thing. This raw moment shows us who we are, and whether democracy is the core of our truth. It’s a scary and angry time…and I believe we will prevail. We must.

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I gave up organized religion many years ago. Whether there is "a" god, many gods - or NO god, I pray, too. Praying can't replace our continued action and resistance, but it can't hurt... right?

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I have been with you on this journey for a number of years. I rarely ask a question, but always come to your daily post. I am so grateful for your verbal support. Thank you, I am totally with you. I prayed as well, in gratitude the day the two senators knocked out McConnel. The Trump attack on our Capital unraveled me. I am back standing up. Much gratitude to you.

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This explains so much of why I am distracted. Not only is there the "big picture" we are living in historical times distractions, but I also now understand more that all of this is triggering from a PTSD perspective. Having also left an abusive husband and dealt with his reaction to my departure over 25 years ago, I still get surprised by the flood of emotion that triggering events create. I don't always recognize while I'm in it what is going on. I am worried for our country, and I am worried for my soul, as I also try to navigate salvaging some level of a relationship with parents who are Trumpers and are spewing the nonsense conspiracies that this was all Antifa/left-wing infiltrators perpetrating this mess. How do you even deal with these types of people, particularly when they're your own parents, and they seem unreachable and unreasonable? Ugh.

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Thank you. I have said from the very beginning that 45* was going to get us all killed. I have been doing well enough up until last week. Managing and not giving into fear, my own trauma experiences, and bolstering others in orbit together. I worked in my state legislature and always had a personal plan that logistically was limited. They permit firearms to be carried here and I lived in fear of an armed uprising. Our State Patrol had a very low key presence and Security during session was more like WalMart greeters in blazers. I’ve permitted myself several days of inactivity. Now I’m back, ready to recommit and get my own house in order. And maybe cutting back on stress eating.

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You have put into words the terror and heartbreak I am feeling.

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Yes, yes indeed. I am so afraid that most people don't get this about the narcissistic side of trump. Especially all those traitorous enablers in congress. They seem not to care whether our country goes on as a democracy or not. Power over country is what they have chosen. This is a perilous time for our nation. I am so glad to have someone like you to help explain it all to me and help with understanding and how we can contribute to fighting these people. Love you for your extraordinary strength in being there for our country and us.

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Thank you as always for your insight and wisdom. I don’t know what I’d have done without your detailed analysis for the last 4 years.

As a writer myself... you write beautifully.

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Thank you for helping me keep my mind clear. Thank you for helping me to see past the distractions. Now all I need to do is maintain control of my overwhelming urge to be constantly informed regarding what is going on. (Deep breath. Back away from the internet!)

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Your prescient analysis is so helpful right now. The intersectionality of this moment is so potent: racism & misogyny coming together in such hateful ways. Thank you for your work, ECM.

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I was married to a "man" with BPD and narcissism. When Trump was running I was telling friends how dangerous he is, how he will never get better only worse....and more....a friend wrote to me last week and said, "I remember thinking how extreme you were in thinking about Trump 4 1/2 years ago and here we are, exactly where you said we would be." I just said, yeah, I was married to f*ckface long enough to know the type, unless you lived through it you can't really understand it. Wishing us ALL a much better, healthy and peaceful 2021 and beyond.

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I'm hope I'm wrong but I'm so frightened that these domestic terrorists will continue their attacks after trump has left the White House. I am praying for peace in our country and that these white supremacy networks can be infiltrated and brought down quickly. You were right when you said trump would weaponize Q as well. I truly hope those worshipping men over country snap out of it, but what will it take?

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