Exciting! For those who've preordered, do we need to do more to gain access to that chapter?

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Just click on the links in the above post, and you can read it.

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Thanks and I'm sorry not to have figured that out for myself first.

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I can picture all of you bringing the rain, goosebumps. What a powerful introduction. I've never pre-ordered a book but am so thankful I did. Now to try and wait patiently for July. Congratulations Elizabeth!

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I just read your excerpt and knew I had to read more. I can't wait to receive my copy that I just pre-ordered. I am so excited for you. Congrats Elizabeth!

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How exciting! Congratulations! I'll read it right now!

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And now I'm back to say that the introduction is breathtaking. I'm so looking forward to the rest in July.

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WOW! I was able to access the link on my laptop. Just your intro alone is so profound.

This is so timely and needed. We in Canada are in mourning due to the knowledge of the 215 Indigenous Children buried at the Kamloops Residential School in B.C. ( and there are no doubt more to be found across Canada.) We are not such a wonderful country. We have our racist colonial roots as well. This past Sunday a Muslim family (3 generations- gone) was mowed down by a 20 y/0 in a truck in London Ontario; murdered while out walking leaving an 9 y/o orphaned son. Why, because of Islamophobia.

We have buried our evil actions of our ancestors and following generations learn it. Those that came before us taught many how to behave today. We are striving to make change in educating our youth of our colonial oppression. But my worry is about the adults that these children return to at home. What they are taught there.

I asked myself this morning what is my purpose? As an Aquarian I am a water bearer. Bearer of change. I will be a part of the change. Bring the rain!!

I am so looking forward to your book.

Thank you

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So powerful! I can't wait to get the book which I preordered months ago. I think the book will help me tremendously in finding my way even though I am in the later years of life. we can all make a difference as long as we have breath!

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Thank you so much for sharing your moving and unforgettable introduction with us, and reminding us of M's partnership and grace as she worked so hard and faced so many challenges. Her memory will be such a beacon and inspiration to all of us working together for the future. And I will never look at rain the same way ever again without thinking of her fierce commitment and the community she helped you build that will keep on growing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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So ready to feel the rain on my face.

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