Perfectly stated! I wish I was as articulate as you. Damn fine essay. I felt this strength when I survived my two cancer battles. I knew within I was a much tougher person.

This here was a 4 yr battle and the marathon msy have ended but for me it is like my backpacking trip down the Grand Canyon. Going down practically broke me. Going up with a 35lb pack for two days was good solid steady work. And how how glorious it felt to get to the top. We will get to the top. With steady focused hearts hands and feet. And being always mindful of love and empathy

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I loved this post - thank you. I've been following your #ResistanceLive broadcast for over 3 years, and it has been a big part of what has taught me that I, too, have the capacity to "fight back for my own future and the survival of all those I love and care about" in ways that I couldn't have dreamed of 4 years ago. Thank you for your devotion to justice and your commitment to helping others to rise up to their own potential as activists, as well.

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I love this metaphor. It Inspires me to dig deep and find my inner strength and resilience. Thank you.

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Loved this! Just this morning I commented to my husband how the last 4 years has changed me, and changed the country forever. You said it much better, but this truly resonated. Thank you.

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I feel like our country had a near death experience. Today we wake exhausted, not yet recovered, but ready to live to the fullest.

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I am forever changed by my new understanding on many issues that I didn’t realize I was helping to enable. I am amazed at the new strength and voice I’ve gained......

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I hope that I am stronger than before, or at least stronger than I knew. I am certainly more aware of our nation and its problems and, even with the pain this awareness brings, there is hope because I see so many people in the Resistance who care and have committed to change. This community has been such a lifeline for the past several years.

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Brilliant nod to the Greek god Hephaistos (Roman god Vulcan) who has lived through us these terrible years—rather than being burned to ashes as fuel for the forge itself, we have become the weapons created in the forge.

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ECM, I have found wisdom in all of your essays, but this one?? Wow, it is just so on point and thanks to you and some others I have followed on Twitter, I am absolutely not the same person I was in 2016. I recall things I have thought, said and done in the past that I would never think of saying, doing or thinking now!! Thank you for helping me and others to evolve to be more of the people we were meant to be for this time in the place we are at. Wishing much love and peace to all here.

'Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now' ~ Hamilton

'A soul is forged in the fires of adversity, not comfort' ~ Jana Oliver

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Reading this, one word kept coming to mind: "anneal - to heat (metal or glass) and allow it to cool slowly, in order to remove internal stresses and toughen it." I'm feeling this today. Am I stronger? Yes. And that strength and fierce purpose has come with the shame of not knowing enough about inequity and injustice earlier. But I, too, came through the searing fire of rage, emerging with a stronger will to fight like hell for change in a meaningful way. My challenge on the other side of that rage is learning how to target with pinpoint accuracy the best ways to use my strength and will for the good. I thank you for helping lead the way.

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Again, such fine, powerful writing. Forging the metal of a sword is such a great metaphor for our transformation. Then after unbearable heat, folding of material the metalsmith does what is called a "quench." Cooling down the metal fast hardens it for use, to be wielded judiciously. Our rage through the last 4 years had been quenched and cooled by this new administration. Now let's use that sharp edge wisely.

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Spot on. I know I’ve changed...

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So, so powerful, and so, so accurate an assessment of what we have collectively experienced in these past 4+ years. I feel empowered by your words, and by the very fact that we are still standing. Yes, our ranks have shrunk and that is heartbreaking on so very many levels, but our resolve has doubled, tripled and quadrupled partially in response to the losses we have endured. Bless you and your God given insights, and ability to share them so eloquently. Thank you, thank you, dear warrior friend. ♥♥♥

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Beautifully written. Oh so true. We have all changed. May we use our sharpened skills to fight for those most vulnerable with less fear and with confidence...

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What you wrote is beautiful and true. I will never be the same.

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I love your insights! I am stronger of mind and resolution after this. the body not so much but we work around that!

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