Elizabeth. Not only are you a brilliant attorney and activist and a talking off the ledge ist, but you are a terrific and deeply insightful writer.

In this article you managed to both expose the true nature of Elon and point the way out of this mess. We are more powerful than we know. And when we realize that and take action based on another vision of who we are…the world will reflect it.

Thank you!!!

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I look forward to your weekly newsletter and this one hit home on so many levels. You are a wonderful and deeply thoughtful writer. I too have had my moments in life where everything can no longer be unseen and I step out the door leaving most of my belonging behind.

Before my meditation time this morning, I read an excerpt from “Peace is Every Step” by Thich Nhat Hanh. The chapter is “Hope as an Obstacle”. It said:

“There is no way to peace. Peace is the way. …we can realize peace now in the present moment with our look, our smile, our words, our actions. Peace work is not a means. Each step we make should be peace.”

Thank you Elizabeth!

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From my morning pages today:

Resolute: determined to stay the course (my definition this morning)

I am resolute that I will err on the side of love. Always.

I am resolute that I will continue to do all I can for mom and those around me who need my help.

I am resolute in being the encourager for those I know and love.

I am resolute in being ready to say NO in the face of injustice and wrong.

I am resolute in creating the goddess of tattered hearts to bring light, love and peace to the world.

May it be so, may it be so, may it be so. Amen.

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Powerful and poignant. You are a courageous and brilliant activist, attorney, and writer. Thank you for your powerful voice, ECM .

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