Perfect. The Second Law of Thermodynamics. You cannot put Humpty and the metaphorical broken eggs together again. The law is stodgy and slow and always behind.
Elizabeth this is great! I have to admit that I was in tears as you talked about who will be our SafetyNet. Who will give us hugs, who will love us. Those are great questions to ask oneself and to journal about. These are turbulent and scary times.
Here is a link to another newsletter from the University of Michigan, School of Public Health, professor Paul J. Flemming, which discusses exactly what ECM has been telling us.
Many of us know this story of your therapy session. We’ve used it for personal guidance. Always grateful. Especially for those of us who have been in intimate relationships (married to) a malignant narcissist.
It has helped me through so many awful days in terms with MY relationship to trump. But to have you, yet again, expand it to encompass the global picture of now is pure genius. Your brilliance and your compassion never cease to amaze me.
Best email yet, ECM. I was married to a malignant narcissist. I remember the milestone events that helped me find a way to better roads and eventually divorce. They were all grounded in crazy shit, but once I made the first step to not engage - my whole life began to change. I got my peace back bit by bit.
Thank you for this beautifully written piece, Elizabeth. It truly helped me feel better and to have a strategy to think about the constant zigs, zags and in between chaos. You have a lot of wisdom and I’m so grateful to have found you and that you share it with us.
This substack is riveting! It accomplishes with your words what you are feeling in content: the fear, chaos, disorganization, sudden sh*te coming out of nowhere, ducking from the total bombardment of things coming at us from all directions, the panic, confusion, anxiety of not knowing what is coming next. It's all there! The narcicist that is destroying America because he never received love and hates himself so profoundly that everyone else has to suffer. The message is clear. Stay the course. Don't deviate. Stay on that dark road. RESIST!
Superb!!! As many have said, this is one of your, if not best, Fridays in Trumpland to date. I loved every word but these two phrases really resonated with me: “This is the thing,” she continued. “Narcissists are always predictable. They may choose their actions unpredictably, but they will always create chaos, because it makes them the center of attention. On that, you can rely" and "And yes, I know it’s hard when he threatens death to look him in the proverbial eye and think, shush your madness, little boy, I will not be playing your game today." Thank you for always putting voice to our fears but also offering alternatives to coping with the chaos.
Perfect. The Second Law of Thermodynamics. You cannot put Humpty and the metaphorical broken eggs together again. The law is stodgy and slow and always behind.
But the price of eggs???🤣
Elizabeth this is great! I have to admit that I was in tears as you talked about who will be our SafetyNet. Who will give us hugs, who will love us. Those are great questions to ask oneself and to journal about. These are turbulent and scary times.
Excellent, Elizabeth. The black ice analogy is spot on. Great job!
Here is a link to another newsletter from the University of Michigan, School of Public Health, professor Paul J. Flemming, which discusses exactly what ECM has been telling us.
I love this! We see the black ice and now we can prepare for it.
From the poem Lighthouse by Amanda Gorman…
“Hope is no silent harbor, no haven still. It is the roaring thing that tugs us away from the very shores we clutch.”
Your best Substack to date. Sarcasm is powerful when it's done without snark.
Many of us know this story of your therapy session. We’ve used it for personal guidance. Always grateful. Especially for those of us who have been in intimate relationships (married to) a malignant narcissist.
It has helped me through so many awful days in terms with MY relationship to trump. But to have you, yet again, expand it to encompass the global picture of now is pure genius. Your brilliance and your compassion never cease to amaze me.
Always grateful.
Oh! And this INTRO!!!! Stellar!
Great newsletter. Thank you!
Best email yet, ECM. I was married to a malignant narcissist. I remember the milestone events that helped me find a way to better roads and eventually divorce. They were all grounded in crazy shit, but once I made the first step to not engage - my whole life began to change. I got my peace back bit by bit.
Thank you for this beautifully written piece, Elizabeth. It truly helped me feel better and to have a strategy to think about the constant zigs, zags and in between chaos. You have a lot of wisdom and I’m so grateful to have found you and that you share it with us.
This substack is riveting! It accomplishes with your words what you are feeling in content: the fear, chaos, disorganization, sudden sh*te coming out of nowhere, ducking from the total bombardment of things coming at us from all directions, the panic, confusion, anxiety of not knowing what is coming next. It's all there! The narcicist that is destroying America because he never received love and hates himself so profoundly that everyone else has to suffer. The message is clear. Stay the course. Don't deviate. Stay on that dark road. RESIST!
Love this. I have my sister, Mary. Don't know what I would do without her.
Superb!!! As many have said, this is one of your, if not best, Fridays in Trumpland to date. I loved every word but these two phrases really resonated with me: “This is the thing,” she continued. “Narcissists are always predictable. They may choose their actions unpredictably, but they will always create chaos, because it makes them the center of attention. On that, you can rely" and "And yes, I know it’s hard when he threatens death to look him in the proverbial eye and think, shush your madness, little boy, I will not be playing your game today." Thank you for always putting voice to our fears but also offering alternatives to coping with the chaos.
Thank you; let’s all steer toward smoother paths ahead!!
🌥️🌤️☀️🚙💨 🌧️🌨️