Thank you for your excellent writing and most helpful thoughts.

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Particularly brilliant piece today, ECM. Thank you. I'd say eat the rich, but the thought positively turns me green. I'm pretty sure they taste like sh*t.

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So well written, thank you. I look forward to your words and your broadcast.

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GREAT piece. Yes.

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The absolute. Greed.

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Excellent piece, you really know how to expand on a subject that, on the surface, seems like just a shallow human need for greed. It is so much deeper than that, as you have shown so well.

And since the subject was eggs, my mind went to bacon, as in "bringing home the", I wonder if the bacon as money metaphor will make it the next purge from our shelves. jk.

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Before the election, I was at the grocery store getting a dozen eggs, and this woman made a comment like, “can you believe the price of eggs these days?“. At that point, I responded truthfully with, “they seem to be about the same price as always,“ which in fact they were. Maybe they had gone up a few cents, but it wasn’t noticeable. Of course that isn’t true now, but back in November it really wasn’t that noticeable at least not here in the Midwest. It was just a right-wing talking point.

What’s funny is now that they’re expensive, nobody’s blaming the president. Because it never was about that in the first place.

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I used to love eggs, but they have grossed me out since summer time with all the fixation. I have to say that I have started getting some extra food with every Costco trip now. I’m expecting food prices to get higher and at some point for our food supply chain to break down. Getting canned goods, rice, etc. I don’t see this as hoarding but preparing.

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Tbh, I get extra eggs once in awhile, scramble (without cooking), pour into a silicone cupcake baker, then freeze. Pop the eggsicle out, and put in a freezer safe bag to use when I can't get to the store. I also freeze hardboiled eggs (let's not talk about my egg salad habit, let's just say I eat a lot of eggs, they're one of my favorite foods). I definitely share them if someone has run out of eggs--or anything, really--I shared tp and cleaning supplies from my stash during the shortages in early covid. That's what you do when someone else needs it and you have some extra.

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What an excellent piece, thank you. It sickens me to think about all of these people, living in the richest country on earth, where we throw away more food every day than most countries have, and we have the means to shop at a “members only” store, and they are frightened into hoarding eggs.

I remember at the very beginning of the lockdown in 2020, We went to get our normal weekly groceries at Aldi and a man and woman were pushing three carts through the store, full to the top and they had taken every pack of chicken in the meat case. They also had three cases of pasta sauce and two cases of pasta. I don’t know how many people they were shopping for but it was ridiculous to see them pushing their hoard through the store.

I can’t imagine today’s population being asked to ration butter or sugar like we did in WWII.

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Your piece today prompted me to subscribe because of such an expressive and sociological take on a mere Saturday morning errand. Your cultural, spiritual and metaphorical explanations on such a seemingly simple food stuff was provocative. Thank you.

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Thanks for being here.

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As always brilliant writing EXM. The metaphors, the pacing, word choices. But mostt important is the stark truth of many Americans. They sold our country, our Constitution and all they mean for a "I have eggs and you don't" mentality. How sad.

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Great essay, very real. I've often wondered what the billionaires are going to do once everyone is deported.

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Beautifully written! I do wonder about the oligarchs who seem to think that they can be immune to the terrible forces they are unleashing on the world. When will they feel the effects?

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The metaphorical eggs are broken.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics (entropy) was always going to do us in.

President Musk clearly understands the speed of destruction makes any slow, ponderous order from our judicial system moot and ineffective. It is not a matter of disobeying or ignoring the order. Any order issued is simply too late. The pieces will be scattered to the winds. We can join arms and sing ring around the Rosie but to what avail? All the king’s horses and king’s men could not put Humpty together again.

Flavit et Dissipati Sunt

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