Elizabeth, I enjoy Fridays in Trumpland! I followed you when you were in NY and moved to California your infromation was always on target . Honestly ,I never dreamed we would be reliving this nightmare for a second time,but here we are . I look forward to your newsletters ,thanks for your work and passion! DB

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And now I'm back in NYC (well, right outside of the city limits). Thanks for being here. It's been a long ride.

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Thank you ECM for codifying Fridays in Trumpland. I always enjoyed your Friday reports as part of your broadcast during Trump One. Now it is even more important for us to be aware of news dumps on Fridays so we can respond appropriately. Been following you for years and the weekly Substack will be wonderful gift for us all to stay informed since various Substck writers seem to be a source of "real news", facts and evidence today. Thank you again!

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I understand why you call it Friday's in Trump-

land. But the term and T or djt as I like to say,

is really a distraction. It really isn't about


(Side note: from here on I'll call him djt, as

he doesn't even deserve a capital letter.)

The distraction allows us to ignore that "djt"

is just the current iteration of 400 years of

whiteness showing up as racism, misogyny,

and white nationalist thinking, actions, laws

and media.

It predates our constitution. It only happened

when the people in power needed to dilute

the power the poor people of all races were

starting to use to rebel against maltreatment.

The naming of whiteness vs. all other colors

of people allowed for separation of white

poor from all other "races", especially

black people.

Once we began this fight amongst ourselves,

we lessened our power against the upper

class that ran the whole show.

The second thing our united states leaders

did after forming the constitution, was to

create the Nationalization Act of 1790. It

said, "All free white persons, and only free

white persons, can be citizens of the

United States."

That started the laws that separated us in

the "United" States.

So it is a misnomer to think it is all

about djt, and allows us to ignore how we

got and keep separated.

We must bring people together and

recognize we have a mutual opponent -

autocrats/aristocracy, who are focused

on keeping us separated by naming

POC as the problem.

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Yes, we will get through this together ❤️ Thank you for all that you do.

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