Thank you!

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I think our (mine at least) bodies & brains have conditioned reactions. Some are more intense than they should be. Others are not concerning enough. I actually try not to read the pre-broadcast question thread or answers from anyone but you.

This is one of the many reasons I long ago came to rely on you to help me sort it out. It’s allowed me (most of the time) to just breathe until broadcast time. I admit that I’ve had the help of medication since I had a stroke 21 years ago. That helps too. I still, however, really struggle with hope. I work on this daily. I appreciate you so very much. I can’t fathom the condition I’d be in without you.💙

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Thank you . It helps pick a direction for calm and results instead of crazy and despair . Always appreciate your writings!

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Elizabeth’s perspective is my first go-to analysis of the day. Thanks as always.

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You go, Elizabeth!

Please continue your service to our world, teaching humans how to detach from ignorant, abusive, dysfunctional, political rhetoric and instead, learn to look at how our political leaders are serving our interests - or not.

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Well said! When I see something that upsets me, I go write anther 20 postcards. You are completely correct - action is an antidote. You can imagine that I write many, many postcards! We know who Trump is. We know what the Republican, now MAGA, party is. They live off distraction and outrage. They are trying to exhaust us. Then there is foreign disinformation campaigns working to sway, suppress, and exhaust us. We should not be surprised by these numerous, awful actions. Most of the behaviors we see are typical of them. THIS is their game plan. So I don't miss something truly important, I rely on my favorite commentators to let me know when something is really new and needs to be addressed. Thank you for this newsletter.

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I wish the Democrat and those running for office could send less panic emails. I don’t even open them. And some of their ( I assume) staffers sound almost threatening. And for goodness sake, don’t tell me you’re “ tracking” my Act Blue Account!

I only have so many dollars to go around. I support Gloria Johnson and Debbie Murcasell Powell monthly and our local low income housing non profit.

I also like to have a little extra in case a local group or cause needs immediate ( as was the case 3 nights ago when 170 puppies and dogs had to be removed from an elderly woman. She really was trying her best to take care of them on her large property but neglected to neuter/spay. Good news, though. To date 50 have been adopted and various other local no kills are taking the rest. 😊)

Thanks for keeping me grounded…..I’ve been an almost daily listener for 7 years and have been a subscriber since inception. I never panic until I’ve heard your take ( and Jay Kuo). I’m confident you’ll let us know when to take to the streets!!!

Cindy Rockafellow

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Because of you, I have learned NOT to treat everything the same. I just scroll on through with a "huh" reaction. I am also blocking and stopping all the texts and emails that pour in from "our" side screaming that the sky is falling and give me money! I so appreciate you!!

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